
What is a friendship essay?

What is a friendship essay?

500+ Words Essay on Friendship. Friendship is one of the greatest bonds anyone can ever wish for. Friendship is a devoted relationship between two individuals. They both feel immense care and love for each other. Usually, a friendship is shared by two people who have similar interests and feelings.

What is the importance of friend in our life?

A recent Harvard study concluded that having solid friendships in our life even helps promote brain health. Friends also help us handle stress, make better lifestyle choices that keep us strong, and allow us to rebound from health issues and disease more quickly. Friendship is also important to our mental health.

Do we need friends in our life?

Friends are important. So important, in fact, that it’s been proven that friendship can extend life expectancy and lower chances of heart disease. Friendship helps us survive. Friendship ignites the part of the brain that makes us feel good, which makes us want to keep hanging out with our friends.

Is it worth fighting for a friendship?

Psychology Today noted that a good way to know if a friendship is worth fighting for is if the person is one who doesn’t judge you. You want to be yourself around your friends, so if you can do that then having their friendship is a plus. Having a friend who truly believes in you is an incredible feeling.