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Why does my thumb joint pop?

Why does my thumb joint pop?

Sometimes, a tendon gets inflamed and swollen. Long-term irritation of the tendon sheath can lead to scarring and thickening that affect the tendon’s motion. When this happens, bending your finger or thumb pulls the inflamed tendon through a narrowed sheath and makes it snap or pop.

Why does my thumb joint keep clicking?

If the tendon becomes swollen and inflamed it can “catch” in the tunnel it runs through (the tendon sheath). This can make it difficult to move the affected finger or thumb and can result in a clicking sensation. Trigger finger is also known as stenosing tenosynovitis or stenosing tenovaginosis.

Why does my thumb crack when I rotate it?

Trigger finger or trigger thumb is a condition that causes your fingers or thumb get stuck in a bent position. Those with trigger finger or trigger thumb may have stiffness when bending the finger(s) or hear snapping and popping when moving the finger(s).

Why do my finger joints crack when I bend them?

The “pop” of a cracked knuckle is caused by bubbles bursting in the synovial fluid — the fluid that helps lubricate joints. The bubbles pop when you pull the bones apart, either by stretching the fingers or bending them backward, creating negative pressure.

How do I stop my thumb from cracking?

Begin healing your thumb tips by sealing the cracks with a liquid bandage and moisturizing your hands several times a day, especially while they are still damp from handwashing. Use a thick moisturizer, such as CeraVe, Eucerin or Cetaphil.

How do you fix a clicking thumb?


  1. Rest. Resting your hand and avoiding activities that make it worse may be enough to resolve the problem.
  2. Splinting. Wearing a splint at night to keep the affected finger or thumb in a straight position while you sleep may be helpful.
  3. Exercises.
  4. Medications.
  5. Steroid injections.

How do you heal a trigger thumb?


  1. Rest. Avoid activities that require repetitive gripping, repeated grasping or the prolonged use of vibrating hand-held machinery until your symptoms improve.
  2. A splint. Your doctor may have you wear a splint at night to keep the affected finger in an extended position for up to six weeks.
  3. Stretching exercises.

Is cracking joints good for you?

Knuckle “cracking” has not been shown to be harmful or beneficial. More specifically, knuckle cracking does not cause arthritis. Joint “cracking” can result from a negative pressure pulling nitrogen gas temporarily into the joint, such as when knuckles are “cracked.” This is not harmful.

When I move my thumb my wrist clicks?

Symptoms of Wrist Tendonitis You may notice a “clicking or popping” that is painful when moving the wrist. The pain may subside to a point once someone has “warmed up”. Symptoms of wrist tendonitis will usually include pain. This pain can be generalized in one area or can be sharp and easily pinpointed to one location.

Can a trigger thumb heal on its own?

Doctors can assess the extent of tendonitis and suggest the right procedure. Extensive pain and discomfort and a finger that can’t move may need surgery. If the issue is manageable with proper care, trigger fingers will heal naturally.