
Can you get a court order for child maintenance?

Can you get a court order for child maintenance?

Applying to the courts for child maintenance If you can reach an agreement for child maintenance with the other parent you can apply to the court to make it a formal legally binding agreement. This is called a consent order. Both parents must agree to the terms of the order.

How do I get a court order in BC?

  1. COMPLETE the APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER. To complete the form, use a typewriter or print clearly.
  2. FILE the APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER by taking or mailing it to the Provincial Court Registry. There is no fee for filing an Application.
  3. SERVE everyone who is entitled to notice of your application.

How do I enforce child support in BC?

If you have a written agreement or order about child support, you can enrol with the Family Maintenance Enforcement Program (FMEP). The FMEP can enforce the order or agreement if necessary. This means they can help you get the child support due if the other parent is late in making payments or refuses to pay.

Can you go to jail for not paying child support in BC?

The court decides whether the arrears are to be paid all at once or by installments, and can also order jail time if payments aren’t made. If the payor doesn’t appear at the hearing, the court may make an order in the payor’s absence or may issue a warrant for the payor’s arrest.

How does court order Work BC?

A court order is a type of ruling that a judge makes. It sets out what you or the other party in your case must do or not do. An order is usually made after a trial or hearing if you and the other person can’t agree on an issue.

How long does a court order take to process?

There is no standard time frame and it can take between 6 to 12 months to achieve a final order. In most cases, it will take around six to eight weeks from when you first apply for the preliminary court hearing (step 4 above) to take place.

What happens if my baby’s father doesn’t pay child support?

A delinquent obligor parent may face a variety of consequences in a child support case, including contempt-of-court charges and civil penalties, or even criminal sanctions like a fine or jail for repeat violations.