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Can you have a water birth in a bathtub?

Can you have a water birth in a bathtub?

Hospitals are increasingly giving women the option of going through labor or giving birth in a pool of warm water. Laboring in the tub is fine, the nation’s obstetricians and pediatricians say, but there’s not enough proof that it’s safe to actually give birth in one.

Can you have a birthing pool at home?

You can use a birthing pool at home It’s a little more than a paddling pool and you’d be right in thinking it involves more than sploshing some water in there and hoping for the best. You’ll need to read the information that the pool provider gives you about how to use their particular pool.

What you need for a home water birth?

Hoses: A clean, potable hose is needed to put fresh, safe water into your birth pool….Everything Else

  1. Towels. So, so many towels.
  2. Flashlight.
  3. Floating thermometer.
  4. Debris removal net. ( hint: Solo or styrofoam cup with holes punched in the bottom work in a pinch)
  5. A provider who is comfortable with water birth.

Can you use a hot tub as a birth pool?

Doctors in the U.S. and the UK advise against water birth in hot tubs or pools with jets because of an increased risk of contamination, and they also caution against filling the tubs in advance, researchers note.

What’s best to wear for a water birth?

Many women choose to wear a bikini or tankini. Others choose to just wear a bra. You can wear a t-shirt or vest top if you want to be a little more covered. It can be twisted up and tucked into the neck if it’s very long.

Are you more likely to tear with a water birth?

While a large review of various studies suggests water has little effect on tearing or interventions in the first stage of labour. They also said that labouring or giving birth in water might make bad tears and episiotomies less likely but may mean minor tears are more likely (Dekker, 2018).

Do you poop during water birth?

During birth, you will lose fluid from the bag of waters, pass urine, blood and sometimes stool. Fluid from the bag of waters and urine is usually sterile. There are normally no germs in those body fluids.