Users' questions

What does the IMCA seek to establish?

What does the IMCA seek to establish?

IMCA s will seek to establish that all possible protective measures have been considered and that consideration has been given as to whether the proposed measures are the least restrictive of the person’s rights.

Who can instruct IMCA?

Local authorities and NHS bodies can instruct an IMCA to support and represent a person who lacks capacity when: they have arranged accommodation for that person. they aim to review the arrangements (as part of a care plan or otherwise), and. there are no family or friends who it would be appropriate to consult.

How do I become an independent mental capacity advocate?

To achieve the level three diploma in Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards), candidates need to have the IMCA certificate and in addition complete the DoLS unit 310. The qualifications are available from a range of providers.

When should IMCA be contacted?

An IMCA should help you: When an NHS body wants to provide serious medical treatment to you. When there are plans to give you long-term accommodation in hospital (more than 28 days) or in a care home (more than 8 weeks).

Whose responsibility is it to decide if an IMCA is required?

The safeguarding manager should consider whether an IMCA should be instructed for all persons at risk. Local procedures should make it clear that the safeguarding manager will hold this statutory responsibility.

What is the difference between an IMCA and an advocate?

IMHA does not replace other forms of advocacy or legal support, but can work with them. IMCA provision is a separate statutory duty to provide non-instructed advocacy for people who lack capacity to make certain decisions and who have no one able to support and represent them.

What 2 questions are asked in the acid test?

A Supreme Court judgement in March 2014 made reference to the ‘acid test’ to see whether a person is being deprived of their liberty, which consisted of two questions: Is the person subject to continuous supervision and control? and. Is the person free to leave?

Who is entitled to an independent mental health advocate?

People are eligible to use independent mental health advocacy services in England if they are: detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 (excluding people detained under certain short-term sections) conditionally discharged restricted patients. subject to guardianship.

Does IMCA have right to see relevant health and social care records?

Can the IMCA look at records? One of the legal powers of IMCAs is to be able to look at and take copies of relevant records. This includes health records, records held by local authorities and records held by care homes. See Section 35(6) of the Mental Capacity Act for the specific details of this power.

What is IMCA advocacy?

Independent mental capacity advocate ( IMCA ) services support people who can’t make or understand decisions by stating their views and wishes or securing their rights.

What are six DoLS assessments?

The DoLS assessment makes sure that the care being given to the person with dementia is in the person’s best interests. There are six parts to the assessment: age, mental health, mental capacity, best interests, eligibility and no refusals. What happens after a deprivation of liberty is authorised?

What are the 2 types of DoLS?

There are two kinds of DOLS authorisation — an urgent authorisation and a standard authorisation. An urgent authorisation is put in place by a care home or a hospital. A standard authorisation is put in place by a local authority.

What is the Independent Monitoring Commission (IMC)?

The Independent Monitoring Commission ( IMC) was an organisation founded on 7 January 2004, by an agreement between the British and Irish governments, signed in Dublin on 25 November 2003. The IMC concluded its operations on 31 March 2011. The IMC’s remit included: monitoring any continuing activity by paramilitary groups.

What can an IMCA do for You?

When can an IMCA help? What does ‘lack capacity’ mean? What does an IMCA do? Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs) support people when they are assessed to lack capacity to make a best interest decision and they do not have family or friends appropriate to consult about the decision.

What is an independent mental capacity advocate (IMCA)?

Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs) support people when they are assessed to lack capacity to make a best interest decision and they do not have family or friends appropriate to consult about the decision. When can an IMCA help? long-term accommodation (to hospital for more than 28 days or to other accommodation for more than 8 weeks)

What does IMC stand for?

The Independent Monitoring Commission ( IMC) was an organisation founded on 7 January 2004, by an agreement between the British and Irish governments, signed in Dublin on 25 November 2003. The IMC concluded its operations on 31 March 2011. The IMC’s remit included: