
What do you put in a personal statement for residency?

What do you put in a personal statement for residency?

The residency personal statement should include and reflect:What draws you to the specialty.The skills or qualities that will help you succeed during the residency and as a practicing physician.Your long-term plans, what you hope to accomplish, your preferred setting.

How important is personal statement for residency?

The personal statement is a chance for candidates to highlight qualities and experiences that are particularly relevant to the specialty they are choosing. It also gives them a chance to describe their professional aspirations and the philosophy or experiences that motivate their career choices.

What is the proper format for a personal statement?

A general rule of thumb you might follow is to submit a 2-3 page statement, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, in 12-pt. Times New Roman font. While there are no set rules about length or format, this is typically considered appropriate and sufficient.