Useful tips

Is Heyy flirty?

Is Heyy flirty?

“Heyy” is more flirty than “hey”. “Hey” is more like “yo”. “Hi” is a bit terse.

Who says how you doing?

When you think of Joey Tribbiani, you probably think Days of Our Lives, a deep lust for sandwiches, and his defining phrase, “How YOU doin’?” It’s a line that encapsulates everything we know to be true about the Friends character, a man so confident in his looks and general appeal that he’d rarely pass up an …

What does Hi mean from a girl?

A casual “hi,” “hey,” or “hello” seems so simple, but it can actually mean a lot. First, the fact that your crush went out of their way to send you a greeting means they were obviously thinking about you. You don’t just send someone a “hi” text just for the heck of it.

How do you respond to Hello?

Answer a simple “hello” with a question. “How are you?” is a popular way to respond and keep the conversation going. You may want to add a simple “hello” to your response just to acknowledge the person, like “Hi there! How are you?” or “Hey man.

What to say to how are you doing?

If someone asks you how you are doing, you can say: Just fine, thank you; I’m doing pretty good; Well, fine now, but I have had a bad cold; So, so.

What’s Up Not much how about you?

10 Answers If you’re offered “what’s up” in response to a greeting of your own, you should read it as a request for you to proceed to the content part of what you want to talk about. “Not much, how about you?” It’s just a greeting meaning “What is happening?”, and a reply that nothing’s happening means you’re fine.

What are you doing right now answer?

When someone asks ‘what are u doing?’ this question doesn’t require a specific answer. You could answer saying, “Nothing much” or “Just the usual” because the person likely doesn’t need to know the ins and outs of your routine, it’s just a conversation starter.

Is it rude to say hey?

“Hey, you!” is impolite, so it’s most appropriate in situations where politeness is not called for. That makes it well suited for addressing someone in anger.

How do you reply to whats up?

“What’s up?” or here (West Midlands of England) commonly just “sup” is a general greeting, you can response with answers like “Not much”, “Nothing”, “Alright” etc. In this context, the response is just a return of the greeting, or a confirmation that all is going normally.

What are you doing other ways?

Here are some alternatives:

  • What are you doing lately?
  • What are you doing with your life?
  • What are you up to lately?
  • How is it going these days?
  • How is it going lately?

What are you doing or what you are doing?

“what are you doing ?” is correct when a question is being posed. Eg: “what are you doing in my lab?” “what you are doing” is correct when it is being used as a statement.

What are you doing right now meaning?

It means “What are you doing right now?” if the person sees you regularly. If the person does not see you very often and it’s someone who is checking in with you after 6 months or a year it would mean “What is going on in your life?” or it could still mean “What are you doing right now?””

What does a hey with 3 Y’s mean?

One “y” in a “hey” – “Hello how are you doing?” Two “y’s” in a heyy – “Hi, I’m kinda interested in you what are you doing?” Three “y’s” in a heyyy – “So, when are you doing to ask me on a date?” Four “y’s” in a heyyyy – “We have been seeing each other for a while when are you going to ask me out?”

What can I say instead of hi?

There are many other options, but here are six of the most common formal ways to say “hello”:

  • “Hello!”
  • “Good morning.”
  • “Good afternoon.”
  • “Good evening.”
  • “It’s nice to meet you.”
  • “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” (These last two only work when you are meeting someone for the first time.)

What does 5 Y’s mean?

The 5 Whys typically refers to the practice of asking, five times, why the failure has occurred in order to get to the root cause/causes of the problem. There can be more than one cause to a problem as well.

How are you doing slang?

How you doing is an informal greeting like How’s it going. It is most commonly known as the signature pickup line of character Joey Tribbiani from the sitcom Friends.

How do you say hello in a cute way over text?

  1. 12 cute ways to say hi in a text message.
  2. #1 Make use of the emojis. The rosy-cheeked smiley face is my favorite one to use when saying hello because it is literally adorable.
  3. #2 Send a photo.
  4. #3 Videos are also an option.
  5. #4 Use a cute saying. “
  6. #5 Say hi in another language.
  7. #6 Open up with a joke.
  8. #7 *WAVES*.

How can I ask how are you?

How to ask “How are you?” (informal)

  1. How’s everything?
  2. How’s it going?
  3. How are things?
  4. What’s up? — Around the year 2001, everyone, everywhere was saying this — thanks to this ad.
  5. How are you doing?
  6. What’s new?
  7. You all right?

What are you doing at the moment meaning?

It is the tense form that we use to talk about things we are doing at the moment. Note that this tense is not used to talk about things that happen all the time – for example, your habits or everyday routines.

What is a hiii girl?

A hiii girl (or ‘hey girly’ or girl) is the exact opposite of the bruh girl. She’s sweet and sensitive with a lot of female friends. She likes skincare, clothes, taking pictures, and basically doing everything that the bruh girl would roll her eyes at.

How are you formal way?

The most common way of greeting someone both at an informal level and more formally would be: Hello! How are you? to which the standard reply is: Very well, thank you. or: Fine, thank you. (Note that the question is not usually meant or interpreted as a searching enquiry after the person’s health.)

What does Hiiii mean?

It’s like saying