What is MPDF?
What is MPDF?
Fund package maintenance! mPDF is a PHP library which generates PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML. It is based on FPDF and HTML2FPDF (see CREDITS ), with a number of enhancements. mPDF was written by Ian Back and is released under the GNU GPL v2 licence.
How do I install and test MPDF using composer?
To get started, run composer install from the command line while in the mPDF root directory (you’ll need composer installed first ). To execute tests, run composer test from the command line while in the mPDF root directory. Any assistance writing unit tests for mPDF is greatly appreciated.
What are the PHP extensions supported by MPDF?
PHP 8.1 is supported as of mPDF v8.0.13 PHP mbstring and gd extensions have to be loaded. Additional extensions may be required for some advanced features such as zlib for compression of output and embedded resources such as fonts, bcmath for generating barcodes or xml for character set conversion and SVG handling.
Is MPDF slower than the original script?
It is slower than the original scripts e.g. HTML2FPDF and produces larger files when using Unicode fonts, but support for CSS styles etc. and has been much enhanced – see the features. Consider supporting development of mPDF with a donation of any value.